About the Book

About the Book

Dancing Through Diagnosis:

Navigating Breast Cancer, the good, bad, and surprisingly funny

Dancing Through Diagnosis Tammy Gunn Breast Cancer Survivor Memoir

“Life as I know it is about to change. Another decade drying up. Like tumbleweeds rolling in the wind. It is time to usher in The Fabulous Forties.”
I think people in their forties call them that so we won’t freak out. My forties brought in lots of surprises. This did not include the “surprises” I put on my Amazon birthday list. New aches and pains. Sleepless nights. Hot flashes.Holy hell, hot flashes!

Oh and did I mention the pandemic? Yes, there was one happening for everyone. In addition to that one, I am talking about the one that raged inside my body and made a great attempt to take my life.

Yeah, that one.

Publication Date

July 27, 2024





Now Available

Dancing Through Diagnosis Tammy Gunn Breast Cancer Survivor Memoir


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