Tag: hormone changes

Do You Sleep Procrastinate? I Can’t Remember….

Do You Sleep Procrastinate? I Can’t Remember….

My best ideas come in the middle of the night. A 3 AM wake up and my mind is full of great ideas that will solve world problems.  Okay, maybe not those kinds of great ideas but things like how to market a book to the masses, what to write about that will have people laughing and support those dealing with so much.  Then I think to myself during this 3 AM wakeup “I will remember all of this in the morning and go right to work!”

Only thing is once my eyes open, I have used the bathroom and come downstairs, I have completely forgotten what that magical thing was that I was going to write about and know that I should have gotten out of bed at 3 AM to write about it but that just seems absurd at the time.  I always convince myself that I need more sleep and should go back to bed and deal with it later.  Only thing is when later comes, I cannot remember what it was I was thinking about.

I have sleep procrastination. Is that a thing? I think it might be.

I refuse to get out of bed because that would be “crazy” to do at that hour but then I am totally lost and accomplish nothing the next day but sitting there trying to meditate and remember what it was that was going to have me get a Nobel prize for what I thought of in the middle of the night.

I think maybe I am related to the likings of Deepak Chopra or Ghandhi… Okay, maybe I am not related to those two…okay, maybe not “maybe”….I am not.  By morning I am once again just a prairie girl living out her life under the big city lights of Toronto.   But I really do think my amazing thoughts in the middle of the night could possibly solve world problems or at the very least, have you, the reader, smiling and laughing and ready to take on your day knowing that you are not alone.

Please tell me I am not alone in this? 

On top of the sleep procrastination I have (that is my term now, no one steal it!), I have brain fog.  Brain fog IS a REAL THING! It is caused, in my case, originally by chemotherapy and now by Tamoxifen.  I share about this in the book, but I also feel the importance to share about it here.  So I don’t forget!

Brain fog is not only caused by medications.  As our hormones begin to change after forty (and in some cases before) brain fog can become more prevalent.  The term ‘Brain Fog’ is characterized by a persons confusion, forgetfulness, and a lack of focus and mental clarity.  When my brain fog is really bad somedays, I imagine there is a little dark rain cloud hovering over my head like you may have seen in cartoons where the character is really sad.  Only my little cloud is blocking any genuine clear thought patterns.

I have found that physical activity helps move that little cloud! Exercising in some way, even for 30 minutes can make a world of difference.  Maybe a 30 minute walk in nature or cranking the radio and dancing in your living room.  Maybe hopping on a yoga mat and stretching out your body.  Really anything to get yourself moving can also get that little rain cloud opening up so the sun can shine in!  There are also vitamins you can take that possibly your body is lacking that is causing it.  For that, I recommend you see a Naturopathic doctor and work with them to discover what is right for you!

If you experience brain fog, know that you are not alone. I completely understand and there is support out there for you.   If you experience sleep procrastination, know that  you and I are the most BRILLIANT people at 3 AM and it is just too much for the world to handle, so go back to sleep.  We will be awesome just for being awesome and we will allow others to win the Nobel prizes.